Ben Tercume is well aware of the significance of human resources as it has adopted the principle of being the most preferred company in the market. Ben Tercume’s long-term human resources planning is based on these principles and Ben Tercume aims at working with reliable, sensitive, innovative, result-oriented teammates who abide by ethical standards.

Below are our fundamental principles:

  • We implement a transparent and open management policy.
  • Our teammates adopt and internalize the corporate principles.
  • We regularly monitor the performances of our teammates, assess their successes and encourage them for an open communication.
  • We fulfill our duties to ensure a participatory and transparent communication across the entire company.
  • We depend on our in-house staff and outsource if needed for strengthening our organizational capacity.
  • We develop strategic goals and interests for our company.
  • We follow the internationally accepted developments regarding the HR management, and we pick up the required novelties and adapt them to our company.
  • We counterbalance the expectations of our teammates and our company, and try to meet the needs on an equal footing.
  • We provide our teammates a sound and comfortable workplace that abides by ethical standards.
  • We ensure that ethical standards and equal opportunity invariably apply to the entire items above.

Ben Tercume Inc. has adopted these principles because our teammates have sincerely embraced the corporate culture and core values and are eager to learn more.

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